Monday, February 13, 2012

Speak to the toes

Something as simple as painting your toes can cheer you up. True! Like a hair cut, massage or something minor but indulgent. To top it off, a skype chat with 'my Sarah' and all is well again.
It has been quite a day, decisions to face and things to be said but my composure has been restored and although my perspective has not changed, I am calmer and content.

I am still struggling with this whole blog thing. Obviously I can't share everything but would love to. The people who drive me crazy, when work frustrates etc. It seems somewhat flawed thsi blogging thing. Not sure if these people might be reading my blog so I guess for that reason I may just have to continue the walk in silence but on that note, I am not letting them know either. Should I? Should I voice my opinion. When does one know when to say something versus when to keep the pie hole shut? I am all for getting it out there but sometimes it may affect another person, the stakes may be a bit high or there are also some selfish reasons...

Well it is time to 'suit up' and make a decision. And if they don't like it, well they can speak to the toes. On that note my happy feet and me say 'goodnight' :) Oh and a big yay for my Sarah! Loved our chat!!!!! Best part of my Monday.

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