Sunday, September 16, 2012
Flu, flu go away - weekend of 1/2 September
Following that crazy week of sickness and all the rest, my hubby was just not getting better. Needless to say I was a little concerned that his cough and malaise were just not budging. I was still feeling unwell and the hives were out in full force once again so we all marched off to the doctor on Friday afternoon. Hubby was given antibiotics. I was not as sick as him and with IVF looming the doctor was afraid to prescribe anything for my being sick (not nearly as sick as hubby though) and for the hives. She said if we were not doing UVF she would give me prednisone...I am not much of a fan of cortisone stuff unless a must. I was also using telfast less and less - meaning more hives. (I am trying to eat a little more healthily - the hives did dwindle a little but come and go) I asked her if a sort of detox might help and she said to try it and has also referred me to an immunologist in Brisbane - his next available appointment is only in December.
Poor Jos was beside herself in the doctor's room. She hated the doctor using the stethoscope, checking temperature etc...and that was on us, not even on her. Her little lip dropped as she first saw mommy, then daddy being examined. She was quite distraught (this happened also when i painted my toenails - she cried for some time when she saw my toenails - I popped some nailpolish on one of her toes and this did not sit well with her. She cried and performed and was only calm once i had removed it again)
Hubby started the antibiotics and still felt horrid. He managed to venture out with us on Saturday morning but by the afternoon - well getting home he dropped into bed and slept...which is very unlike him. I took Jos out to the park and just tried to keep her entertained while he relaxed a little. On Sunday was father's day in Aus. We got daddy a few goodies for his BBQ including a rotisserie. Poor daddy still wasnt feeling well so Jos and I went to the big park and had a long play there. She fell asleep in the car and had a decent nap and in the afternoon we went to the park up the road, again to give daddy some time to relax and sleep. He really wasnt well although managed to cook for us on the BBQ.
Sad to say our weekend was more abou missing each other than seeing each other and hubby still hadnt improved much despite getting meds!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
My week
So last week began with a lovely morning devotion by one of my lovely colleagues, Kylie. I enjoy our Monday morning staff gatherings and some hit the spot more than others. Kylie showed us this youtube clip of Derek Redmond - it is below.
She tied it in with Father's day, and having our Eternal father beside us all the way. She also gave out little pieces with scripture on and a space to write. The one for someone you appreciate. Jacques wrote my name on his one and I wrote his name on mine. There was also one for someone who is going through a struggle. I put down my friend Karin (she worked with me in South Africa then moved to New Zealand) she was once again facing a battle with cancer (she had breast cancer in SA and overcame it) Since then however she sadly passed away (Sept 1) and leaves a husband, and 2 daughters and many loved ones behind. It can't be easy losing a loved one. I was aware that her time was limited but it is still so sad. I became aware that she was rather unwell again on facebook and then her husband put a few updates on her page. Messages streamed in - messages of memories and happy times. Many farewelled her too. I am sure that Jesus is running alongside that family now. Anyway, that was not meant to be that sad but it makes us appreciate life that bit more, realise and enjoy our blessings.
Tuesday hubby stayed home sick but came in the afternoon for an important meeting. He fetchec Jos from daycare. She came up to my desk and was picking up my work phone saying "Allo" - she is so cute. When I got to the car then I found a book titled "Guess how much I love you' placed on the steering wheel (we swapped cars coz only the one car has a carseat) Isn't he sweet. He ordered it a while back and it arrived in the post that day.
Wednesday hubby was still unwell and I was starting to feel a bit under the weather. I felt guilty but rang daycare and they had a spot for Jos. I got to have a 2 hour morning nap - just what I needed I think. The morning was rather busy though because we dropped Jos off then the car had been booked in for a service a few weeks earlier so we dropped it off and had to get back home (after quickly buying some meds) for an ant inspection that had also been scheduled earlier in the week. While the termite people were here the postman arrived with big vacuum cleaner...I was so happy coz i really missed it. The little clip that coonects one part to another broke off. We took it back to the store where we bought it but they said to ring the manufacturer. I rang them. They organised collection. A guy fetched on Tuesday of the previous week and I was not sure what the outcome would be (they can choose not to replcae it if they think it is not a manufacturing fault) I was not sure what to expect. This was Wednesday when a BRAND NEW vacuum cleaner arrived in the post. How amamzing. Our car service also was less than the previous one (Dealerships esp big ones rob you!! Our guy is a nice small one but seems to do a good job as more than pne person has recommended him)
Thursday hubby returned to work. I still felt a little off colour so I sadly missed Zumba and it was cancelled the previous week due to the instructor being unwell. I ordered a pink shirt online - it arrived in the post. Yays :)
Friday the hormones were definitely taking their toll plus a TERRIBLE hive outbreak. I had a teary start to the day. I was so thrilled when a parcel arrived in the post:) It really brightened up my day. A package from my sister-in-law, Kimmy containing a magazine, chocolate and 'real' utensils for Jos. All she is interested in is the knife! She stabs food with it as if it is a fork and tries to eat food off of it like a spoon! Jos and I also went to the shop to get daddy some father's day presents. We went to Bunnings (hardware store) first and then to Big W. We also got Jos 2 cute sets - 2 pairs of tights and 2 shirts plus one yellow shirt - i like yellow. Hubby still wasnt well and went to see the doctor and I also went with my itchies. We went together. Jos was very unhappy and cried when the doc listened through the stethoscope, checked our temps and looked in our ears. I was first and her little lip just folded downwards and then she cried and said 'mommy mommy'. This was repeated with daddy too. Hubby was given some antibiotics and I sadly coudl not take anything since IVF is looming...
Anyway, hopefully we are all on the path to recovery. Thank you for reading :)
Teddy bear's picnic
Despite hubby not feeling great we ventured to Hervey Bay to the 'Teddy bear's' picnic. We were naughty to miss church but wanted an early arrival, as it was finishing around lunchtime. There were plenty of activities including jumping castle/slide thing, face painting, teddy hospital, fishing for prizes (we did pass this one and I think Jos was more interested in hopping into the the little pool than fishing for the ducks). We had to keep a very close eye on her as she continuously wanted to dart towards the water. There was a barrier but we were on a bit of an incline and so when she headed that way, it was with a speed. (And she wanted to do it often!) We bumped into a colleague from work's wife and their 2 kiddies. I took Jos for a little walk around (and we missed out on free cake by a second!! - They had cake to celebrate Harvey the Whale's 3rd birthday). We watched the kiddies do some activitie up front - lots of dancing and jumping around. She is still a little young for that but she liked watching. She does not sit still. She just wants to be up and off. We did try tempt her with tea and biscuits but to no avail. She did eventually become lethargic - from being tired I suppose. I bought some candy floss (fairy floss as they call it here) and tried to tempt her to have a taste. She only but performed and would not even let a morsel touch her lips. We also bought her her first ever show bag. Show bags are 'big' here, as in very popular. The bigger the show, the bigger the variety. They also have a poster up showing what is inside each show bag so you can choose and they have bags for boys and bags for girls. Jos didnt really know what was in it and only once we got back to the car (And mummy fished out the 'dodgy stuff' ie the stuff she could possibly swallow - a lolly and a necklace type thing - i have put the necklace in safe keeping until she is a little older. It's nothing fancy so could go to the bin, but i am sure she would enjoy it for dress ups in a few months time.
Before we left we decided to take a last walk around without the pram or bag. Jos even got rid of her shoes and then she scrambled around through the crunchy leaves, chased some unsuspecting Ibis' and thoroughly enjoyed just playing, running this way and that and investigating nature. She picked up leaves, sand and grass and just seemed to love every moment of the sheer simplicity we often forget to enjoy and savour. Life through the eyes of a child certainly is refreshing.
A short nap, lots of coughing later and a visit to the park we were ready to call it a day. Jos had a very bad night though. Lots of crying and coughing - her and daddy both (daddy was coughing not crying) She woke up several times and battled getting back to sleep. At 3 am i was desperate for just a bit of sleep. Since hubby was in the spare room due to all his coughing and snoring, i thought I would put her in the bed with me. She thought it was wonderful! Over an hour of me telling her to lie down quietly and sleep was pretty futile. I was however, smiling in the dark as she would lie down for short periods then yell 'daddy' 'daddy' 'tea' tea'. I had my back turned to her, then she would pat my head and say 'Ello' Ello'. This went on for over an hour. I had no choice but to take her back to her bed and much to my surprise with very little fussing it went quiet and she slept until after 6am. Eish, but I was tired on Monday as was poor sick daddy...
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Spring is near
An eventful Saturday - we went to Eli's 2nd birthday. I can't believe it has been a year since we were at his 1st birthday. Jos was still so little and Eli had to be woken from a nap to enjoy his party. All Jos wanted to do was swing (she is obsessed with swinging at the moment) She ate all the icing off her cake and was not interested in the cake itself LOL and then she was interested in the presents.
We popped to the toy library and got the pirate ship and Jos fell asleep on the way home, but instead of the usual hour to hour and a half nap she slept all of 20minutes and was ready to go go go. IT was a gorgeous warm day so we filled the pirate ship with water and eventually Jos was naked and having an absolute ball!
A lovely Saturday with my little family :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Hmmmm made ribs (Friday)
So we bought some ribs the other day. One doesnt come across 'real' ribs in the supermarket. They call 'rashers' ribs here in some cases so you have to ask for American style ribs if you want to get what we know. So imagine our surprise and delight to find a rack of ribs in our local woolies. Since we got the new barbecue we though it would be the perfect opportunity to light it up and make us some bbq flavoured ribs. We bought some marinate and let the 'soak' all day.
Jos and I went to mum's group in the morning, popped to the shop after that and then she was due for a nap so we headed home. She had a good sleep and then we popped out again as I had a doctor's appointment. (My doctor was away for a month - that really shouldnt be allowed!! lol) Anyway I just wanted to check out a few things what with my itchies (hives) and taking antihistamines etc.
By the time we got home, daddy was there. Within a few minutes the bbq was ready to go an the ribs were on and cooking away - smelling delicious. Unlike the charcoal braai, it is ready to use pretty instantly which is great. We ate like kings :) Jos and I played outside while daddy cooked and we wnjoyed the lovely warm evening. Spring is on its way.
The weekend news is to follow but we had quite a busy time then hubby got sick, Josci had a terrible cough and has had some very unsettled nights and apart from suffering from broken sleep I am also on the verge of illness with a very sore throat and head and body. The hormones don't help much either with 'bringing on the crazy'. We will be seeing ourr fertility doctor in the next week or so.
Take care xoxo
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Clowning around
My head of department is doing some work for one of our other colleagues and needs access to her computer as she is working from home at the moment. He has now moved out of his office and to the desk across the room from me. He is funny and a bit particular. He always gives me a hard time about the angle of my computer screen among other things and just teases me a fair bit. Today my colleagues went up to Gladstone and are staying over the night as they have a workshop day tomorrow (our Distance Ed families in the area make an effort to get there and there are several activities to keep them busy) It is about a 4 hour drive for us, they were only going to leave very early tomorrow morning but decided to rather go up the night before. I was invited at the last minute and to take Jos up - they have a car seat in the car but I declined. The day before is a little short notice and Jos is not a happy traveller. They would have to stop a lot! And there is no way I would drive that far in my own car with Jos. Then i am also taking my hormone spray and boing out of a routine could mean me forgetting or something. I think i might go on the one to the Gold Coast in October, but I wont take Jos, it is also an overnight one.
Anyway back to my sory. So when i got back to my desk the computer tech and another guy were busy with my PC - there is a problem with the hard drive and they were replacing it and doing all that computery stuff. I took my MAC and went to sit at David's (HOD) desk. I then took a photo of his 'precious' stamps and my MAC on his desk. I really should have made more of an effort to really mess it up and spread papers over the desk LOL. I then took a photo and sent it to Sarah (they were all travelling up in one car) and asked her to show him. IT wasn't long before they were ringing me and he was telling me to leave his stuff alone, especially his beloved stamps. There was much laughter from their side :) Hubby has told me I am the quite the joker ( i think he might of used the word clown!!) A little bit of fun in the workplace is a must, I firmly believe that :)
On another note, I was all excited for Zumba today but it was cancelled :( The poor instructor is sick, so it's not her fault but I was all packed and ready to get my Zumba on. I really want to get my skinny on but that is not happening!! And now with hormones, who knows if it will happen anytime soon. I probably should have gone for a walk and I was planning on it, but hubby and I have been feeling so flat the past few days. With Jos being unwell, starting the hormone spray and hubby giving up coffee has taken a bit of toll plus we have both had busy days at work this week. At least i am off tomorrow and Jos and I can hang out :) We also took ribs out freezer to defrost to pop them on the BBQ tomorrow night...not really helping with getting my skinny on!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Weird Wednesdays and hamburgers
Today I had a hamburger for lunch at school. I dont usually work on Wednesdays but I swapped days with Jos being unwell. IT was weird to work on a Wednesday. Maybe it is all in my head, but the day felt somewhat like a dream plus it confused me thinking it was Thursday then Monday and being a bit like 'huh?' Anyway, the tuckshop is open on the days i do not work, so since I was at work this on a tuckshop day I got to indulge in a hamburger :) It wasnt too bad except for all the onion pieces in the patty. They could really cook the onion before putting it into the patty haha.
Day two of nosespray and things still feel somewhat normal. There are several side effects - apparently boobs getting smaller is one of them (i dont remember this from last time) also headaches and crankiness and hot flushes - those I do remember. I have set my alarm for the evening to remind me to spray then - it can get a bit chaotic that time of day with dinner, bathtime, dishes, chasing after Jos etc.
Jos slept really well last night and then had a 2 hour nap at daycare today. Hope fully that doesnt mean she will be up with the sparrows tomorrow. She was having a bit of a sleep in (by that i mean until 6.45am at the latest, there was one morning of 7am!) until a few days ago, i wonder if the sun rising earlier has anything to do with it? Perhaps I need to invest in some blackout for her room.
Other than that work was pretty much the same. They wanted me to go on the field day trip to Gladstone tomorrow and take Jos - a 4 hour car ride. You have got to be kidding me (the workshop is only on Friday so it would be spending the night) - we take at least 5 if not more hours to get to Brisbane which is actually only a 3 and a bit hour drive.
I am seeing the chiropractor once a week now. I am trying to do some walking, my stretches and then of course my thursday Zumba :)
Hubby's eyes are still a bit sore and he is taking strain without coffee - well the withdrawals of headaches and geneeral malaise seem to be taking its toll. I am sure he will be through the worst of it soon.
Well that is all from me today I think. Tomorrow will probably be another busy day and then Friday I am off again with my little chook. On Saturday we are going to a second birthday party and probably have a BBQ and make some bread. Oh yes, I made dough yesterday to make vetkoek. I should have made more dough but I also think I neeed to use a different dough mixture - any suggestions? There are several recipes in my bread maker book but the baked bread vs the plain bread dough have different ingredients in them??? But they were okay and it was super nice having them again after so long as trying to buy bread dough in this place is like trying to find hens teeth! I reckon I need to experiment a bit :) Maybe roosterkoek next :)
Until next time xoxo
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The journey begins...
The IVF journey begins again. I started with my nose spray today. One puff, twice a day and hopefully I dont forget! I felt pretty okay this morning but had a dizzy spell hit straight after my evening squirt - but that could just be because I am tired after not sleeping well last night and going to bed too late.
I usually work on Tuesdays but stayed home to 'care' for Jos who has conjunctivitis. In my opinion she has had it pretty mildly but daddy seems to be suffering from red, itchy eyes and light sensitivity. He also gave up coffee as of today, so the withdrawal headache has not helped matters. HE seems to be wearing the cranky pants today - my mantra at home is 'there is only room for one person in cranky pants at a time in our house' so he is lucky Jos has been pretty happy. She has a few eye rubs and getting those drops in her eyes have been near impossible. She forces her little eyes shut and then swings her arms in front of her body. It is a two person job as one person has to hold her arms and the other try open her eyes and get the drops in. We have not been very successsful in getting the drops into open eyes, so I just let it pool in the corner until she opens up and hope something gets in. Phew!
I gave up coffee on August 1st in preparation for this and hubby today (he gave up coffee, I didnt give him up LOL). I suffered some nasty headaches which is pretty unusual considering I didnt drink that much coffee. Usually one cup a day, two on an odd occasion. It is amazing how addictive the stuff is and what it does to your body if this is what happens when you stop.Anyway, he only has a month or so to go so I am sure he will survive on Rooibos tea :)
I went walking again today. Last week i did 3 walks and one zumba. This is the first walk of this week, my last walk being on Sunday. It was good to get out and do some exercise although i did feel a bit sluggish today. While I was walking I crossed paths with an elderly gentleman who was on one of those car like/motorised wheelchairs. I greeted him, he greeted me back and then said 'I wish I could do what you are doing.' It reminded me how easy it is to take something so simple for granted and how every day I have so very very much to be thankful. How blessed we are to just be able to walk, see, hear and everything else.
Some Jehovah's witnesses swung by our house today. Luckily Jos was hollering from the bathroom 'wee wee' so they did not stay long. They read me a passage from the Bible and I told them I do go to church. They were not as pushy as the ones I usually encounter and left without giving me any pamphlets...
Anyway, to the hormones and getting my crazy on, perhaps there will be a few interesting events in the next few weeks or perhaps it will be all smoothe sailing with only a few hot flushes. Let us see.
Good night, my eyes cant keep open any longer
Until next time xoxo
Monday, August 20, 2012
Monday morning singing
I have been super slack with my blogging. I am sorry once again. I started really well and then the April holidays arrived and it seems I have never quite gained momentum again.
So here is to a new start. Perhaps not as much as daily blogging, but let's see how we go.
We have a staff meeting and devotion every Monday morning. I was feeling a bit concerned after dropping Jos off with her pink swollen eyes, but then we did something different. We sang together as a staff. I will add the song here when i find it, but it was a great and unifying way to start the day. I felt inspired and at ease. Thank you Gary :) We have had a few good devotions on a Monday and I am often reminded how much i fall short. I think in particular of our very erratic church habits at the moment. It is not a very pleasant experience right now. Jos will not sit still or even be held. She wants to walk around and hollers at the other one of us sitting down at that moment. She wants us both to go exploring the surrounds and is not happy to sit in the confines of the creche. We take turns to accompany her each week but she does not want to stay in there despite all the toys, books, colouring untensils and other goodies scattered around the place. They dont have Sunday school either really for her age and up. They have Sunday school for the older kids but it us before church??
Anyway, we try and persevere and need to make more of an effort even if neither of us ends up hearing much of a message.There is always something that will stick. In the short bit i heard yesterday and talking about generosity, i was reminded of the verse 'Seek FIRST the kingdom of God". I sometimes forget the FIRST part and think that seeking is enough. Nope, first dear, first! So that was a great reminder of something I knew already.
Over the weekend Joscelyn's one eye looked a little red but I thought she had smeared some cream into it. Apart from eating toothpaste, pouring her cereal/juice from one bowl/cup to another, trying to eat milk off a teaspoon from a cup, she now is desperate to smear cream on herself. She watches me put moisturiser on so she rubs cream on her face..any cream she can get. The other day it was camphor cream, today i found her eating hair gel then smearing that on her hands and face! Anyway, I thought she might just have gotten some cream into her eyes but then the nextdoor eye got red but i then thought, maybe an allergy. There has been some gunk, but not too much and then I discovered one of the kiddies at daycare went home with conjunctivitis last week. I made a doctor appointment (saw a random and not a very friendly doctor - my doc is away until wed!! She has been away for a while...i miss her!) HE said she 'probably' has conjunctivitis and said she must stay home tomorrow too. So we got our eye drops and here we are - a pink eyed little monster (although dont call it pink eye in Aus, it seems no one has a clue what you are talking about LOL) Jos is still very busy and not too bothered by the eye business except when i try wipe her eyes with saline and put the drops in - it is easier getting a pill down a cat's throat!! Nuff said!
Anyway, I hope she feels better soon. We will keep an 'eye' on it and hopefully not contract it ourselves.
It is late and later than i usually stay up so I need to head off to bed.
For those who do read, the ivf journey begins again. We need prayer, just for stress levels I think. I am a little overwhlemed (i only discovered this recently haha - i really should know myself by now) So to the nose spray tomorrow morning I salute you and hopefully we have another fruitfull outcome. I will keep you updated..this is pretty scary writing about the journey out here...let's see how it goes. Hold on:)
We bought ourselves a bbq on the weekend. It took hubby 2 days to put it together. Well a long afternoon on Saturday until he just couldnt take it anymore and then again on Sunday. How happy to fire it up yesterday and cook some steak on it. We also did some prawns and calamari and eggs. It was quick and easy. Yummy yum yum! Now to bake a loaf to accompany the grub on the bbq :) Hubby has suggested 'rooster koek'...maybe :)
We have a winner :)
Yummo. My first bread was a flop, but bread number two was a success. I now need to make more and then make some dough nd try pizza bases and of course vetkoek :)
Iron and clay
These guys came to perform at school. They were great - the teachers even got to go up and dance on stage. Yep, I marched on up there and busted some moves! Whoop whoop. They have a great story to tell young people about how God is there always. They sing, dance and sort of mime, witness and just entertain with their talent. They are called 'iron and clay'and really do a great job, travelling around to schools and giving the kids a message from bullying to drink driving and even coping with hardships by having God beside you
Monday, August 6, 2012
Her Royal Pinkness
Every month we distribute a letter to our home-based educators/online student families called 'The Rattler'. It has a few articles about what events are coming up and other articles that may be of interest. My Head of Dept asked me to write something about time management and study skills...
But let's go back a little bit...Valentines Day Jacques bought me a tiara. Yes a kiddies one but still I wore it all day and was a princess. This evolved in that I have drawn a crown above my name on the 'in and out' board at work, and I joke that I am a princess. Emily even addresses me in emails as 'Princess JAcqui'. Continuing with the joke, Emily put a crown on the picture of me. It was all in the name of fun, until she had printed them and sent them off via snail mail and email only to realise she had forgotten to take the crown off. Slightly embarassing, maybe, hilarious - beyond a shadow of a doubt. I laughed so hard at the thought of our readers pondering why on earth there is a crown on my head. I havent had any questions yet :) Maybe they have just come to the realisation that I am royalty, I am a princess and they must just deal with it (what a privilege for them to be dealing with a princess! I am the people's princess, it is clear) HAHAHAHA.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
How blessed are we...
A gentleman from Pakistan visited school the other day. He works at a Christian school in Pakistan and came over for a missions trip and to meet up with some Aussies. What a fabulous. He shared a bit with us about the school that has grown considerably, that has atttracted some muslinm families, that has prayer and devotions as part of the day. He spoke a little about conditions in Pakistan, especially for women and in particular, Christian women. He spoke of poverty. He spoke of all sorts and then he brought out beautifully handmade goodies. The women are taught these skills and sew everything by hand and then sell these to make a few cents for their families...and then you realise 'how blessed am I?' There were cushion covers, bags, wallets and these. To be honest i am not exactly sure what this is, it has pockets to put goodies (letters perhaps) in. I liked it because i can hang it up (it hangs by the front door)and be a reminder of how blessed I am, we are. It tells me a story and reminds me daily how great God is and that despite unbearable conditions, these people are making a living, using their talents and creating a one of a kind, made with love article.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Lead by example :)
When your office gets moved around a bit and have no idea howcome you have no internet and then you head of department happily reconnects it all for you, sorts out all the connections, internet problems and even finds you an extension cord lurking in the office. Yay
Friday, July 27, 2012
Those boots were made for walking
Much to my dismay and my wet feet I discovered the shoe separating from the sole. On further inspection I found that the sole was crumbling too. In short, my black boots were shot and no better excuse than to look for another pair. I wasn't actively pursuing a new pair of boots but I popped into a shoe store i have seen some shoes i like before. I spotted some boots I quite liked but they didnt have my size ... there was another lady trying on a pair one size smaller than I usually take. Well, she dindnt take them and they told me they have a smaller size if I'd like to try them (if this didnt work i was advised i could try ordering online) Anyway, tried them on, perfect fit and best part 60% off. Whoop whoop. MEant to be if you ask me. Oh, the shoe shop is called 'Novo' in case you were wondering :)
WE spent a few days with friends in Brissie over the holidays and they recently got a kitten. Upon arrival Jos was quite nervous of this bouncy, quirky creature...that was around lunchtime, by dinner she was fascinated and touching kitty and by the next day she was carrying kitty, dragging kitty in the cooler bag, pushing kitty in the baby's (dolly) pram and even calling out 'kitty kitty' before bed - in the dark when she was meant to be drifiting off. She absolutely loved the kitty as well as spending time with Bella (2 and a half) and Chloe (5 and a half). Am I tempted to get cats again (we had 3 when she was born but rehomed them as it was just added stress of other cats getting into the house, them lying in the cot, pram, change table and a few other things.We will consider getting cats again in the future but we would like another little one so will wait and even better would be if we owned our own home.
For now Jos chats to the neighbours doggies and kitties and is also pretty fascinated by the birdies in the sky.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Creating space
We took the single bed out of Jos' room to create a little more space in her room. It has made a huge difference having some extra spac in there although she still spends most of her time in the TV room where most of her toys live and of course to watch her favourite show over and over again.
Coffee table
We got a coffee table - it matches our buffet and TV cabinet. We have seen it on the floor a while back - well we saw it in the catalogue again - it is a bit bigger than we remember hah. IT is a fab table though although I cant use a table runner on it just yet. Jos loves it and has to be discouraged from climbing on it as she thinks it is her very own play area. She does love putting her dollies in the drawers too. Yay for our new coffee table :)
Monday, July 9, 2012
Coffee date
Josci went to daycare and we went for coffee and a breakfast before doing a few things in town then heading to the dentist.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
An birthday party
WE went to a work friend's birthday party. There was a piggy on the spit, pumpkin rolling and this game where 2 guys were joined together at the legs and one was blind folded and the other had to lead their way through an obstacle course. Jos was not pleased seeing her daddy take part in this one. Maybe it was the fact that they had to eat half a chilli each at the end of the race. Jos made it until 8pm. There were other kids there so she enjoyed watching them. It was fun but we left around 8pm. Jos fell asleep in the car and soon after she fell asleep we were stopped at a road block for a licence check and breath test. Jacques hadnt had much to drink but he asked the policeman very politely to please speak quietly since jos had just fallen asleep. The chop then says at the top of his voice (and you could see he heard every word - like he was trying to be funny) 'Sorry, what was that?' I could have given him such a fat slap but I think my dirty look was enough as he was much quieter after that. Some people!!! Anyway we enjoyed the party a lot, it was fun to get out and it started in the afternoon which made it kid friendly which was fab.
Happy kindling :)
SO I have been after a kindle for a while now. I was quite happy to settle for one of the 'cheaper' ones but lovely hubby bought me the kindle fire - colour and fabulous. Now to read some books or have some delays at places so I can pull out my kindle and be taken away to where ever my book may take me. YAY :)
Motherhood musical
Two weeks of holiday seems to fly by. I have not blogged and I apologise. Life seems super busy with a toddler on the loose :) One thing I did do in the holidays was go with a group of ladies from school and my mom's group to see the 'Motherhood musical'.It was hilarious. Jacques looked after Jos and I made my way out, fetched my friend Agnes and we scooted off to meet Louise and the school peeps. We also had coffee afterwards and laughed so much. IT was absolutely fantastic plus we only got home at 11pm. I was exhausted, I have not been up that late on purpose in ages :)
Thursday, June 21, 2012
God can use anyone

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Lunch in the warm winter sun
Jos and I had a wonderful day. We went to 'Mainly Music'. Jos especially loved the rainbow song (they have rainbow ribbons attached to some plastic to wave about - she was hooked) she also ate most of the morning tea they provided (A mini blueberry muffin, sultanas and a half a rice cake with vegemite, she avoided the cheese and carrot stick haha) as well as the water they give the little ones. Mummy enjoyed a cup of tea and a slice of cake too and some chatting with Agnes, Samara, Tanya and Linda. Jos enjoyed all the toys and when we left around 11.30 she didnt take too long to fall asleep in the car on the way ahome and had a good 2 hour long nap. She was tired though as she got to bed a bit later than usual last night (went out for a work department dinner)After waking up (which took her a while - she was like a grumpy bear and sat on my lap for about half an hour just trying to get her eyes fully open) We went outside and Jos had her lunch (a yoghurt and cracker bread that she dipped in avo and cream cheese mixed) She sat on the 'big chair' outside.
She refuses to sit in her high chair/booster chaor for meals. She has her own little table and chair and either sits there or with us on a big chair at the table. This does mean that she eats and then escapes for little trots around the house, but since the first time we allowed her to do it until now it has improved. She tried to get us to play the first night but we told her we are having dinner so she has to play alone until we are done. I think she realised that that isnt fun and she may as well stay put. She sat so nicely tonight and ate quite a bit.
Holidays are nearly upon us and it seems once again a busy time is to follow with dentist and doctor appointments, a trip to Brisbane, birthday party and possibly a musical.
On that note, my eyes are battling to stay open...

Sunday, June 17, 2012
donuts and dolly's

Friday, June 15, 2012
rainbows and sweetness

Thursday, June 14, 2012
TV bar and so much more
Jacques bought me not one, not two, but FIVE white tv bars from the shop. Thing is you don't get them in Aus, but we found a new South African section in our local IGA. They have a pretty limited range. This is the only South A
frican chocolate they have LOL just as well (or perhaps not) it happens to be my favourite.
I am using my Mac to blog tonight for the first time. It has taken a little longer because I am so used to my Dell laptop but I thought I ought to give it a try.
The Baden-Clay's have been on my mind much of today. Allison Baden Clay went missing in around mid April and a few days later her body was discovered and she had been murdered. Investigations have been continuous since then and last night they arrested and charged her husband with murder. He last saw her 10pm one night and when he woke up the next morning at 7.30 and found that she had not come home he rang police. I did find it strange that she went for a walk at 10pm at night. But as the saying goes, 'innocent until proven guilty'. IF hubby decided to go walking at 10pm I would give him a few smacks and tell him not to be ridiculous! Night time is to sleep! And apparently she didnt even like exercising. Also if he managed to dodge my reasoning and smacks and he was not back within a certain time frame i am not going to go to sleep - i will be driving around the neighbourhood looking for him. Who really knows what happened? I am sure the truth will come out. He is adamnant he did not do it and for thsake of his 3 little girls (Age 10. 8 and 5) I really really hope he did not. It has been on my mind and bugging me all day.
On another note, last night i was reading Samuel. I can't be sure of the exact chapter or verse right now, but David arrives with messages/food for his brothers and sees the giant Goliath throwing his weight around and calling for anyone to fight him. There are rewards for both sides, meaning all sorts and no one feels they can defeat Goliath. What really struck me is David's faith. He is like 'Come on you all, this heathen is threatening you with strength, but we have God the king of all on our side.What are you people waiting for, don't you reckon God will ensure that you win." Wow. I sometimes forget the sheer magnitude of God and that at the end of th day HE controls everything. I need to be a bit more like David!
On that note, I feel like a sack of potatoes and must head off to bed. The eyes are heavy.
Chat soon

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
First meal
So it was only about a 2 days that I ate next to nothing, but it felt so good to eat a proper meal again. I made a pot full of veggie soup a few weeks back and froze it and it was my meal of choice :) Hubby was not in the mood for it and Jos, well she is refusing to sit in her high chair/booster seat and wants to run around at dinner time!! Anyway, my soup was absolutely delicious! It filled the gap and met my high expectations. Hurrah for feeing better. I was so drained. I still feel a bit tired as I had been sleeping poorly before the toilet hugging incident then it was me being unwell and Jos then had a few bad nights (she was sleeping brilliantly..while i was sleeping terribly, funny that. Anyway, that is all ofr now.
Sorry I have been so slack. No proper excuse except life! Busy busy busy. Today I actually got around to mopping. On Monday I did a wee bit of ironing...yet still the ironing pile grows,the house looks like it has been ramsacked, but in the greater scheme of things, life is good and I close my eyes at night flat but happy.

Queen's birthday weekend
Despite miserable weather the celebrations were evident in Maryborough. We only witnessed this little show at the shops. We were not game enough to brave the rain with a toddler in tow - there was a food and wine festival that we were planning on visiting had the weather been a little less daunting.
Sunday was the pub crawl - it is one of the biggest in the world and has made it into the guiness book of records on a few occasions. Jacques was going to give it a bash (you have to get your little card stamped at every pub {12 i think} and in order to get a stamp you need to buy a drink. I doubt hubby wouldve had an alcoholic drink at every one - you just have to buy something, so it can be a soft drink - but i think some people buy more than one at each so there are some rowdy ones around I imagine. We will have t wait and see as I was so desperately ill with a bout of vomiting and the other that i was up until 3am, in much need of sleep on Sunday, absolutely drained, still visiting the toilet and experiencing nasty tummy pains. I was of the impression that I ate something bad (ham) but now hubby came home early, is feverish and nauseous...perhaps it is a virus. I just pray Jos doesn't get it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Love my vac
Is it possible to actually love a vacuum cleaner. This is my new vacuum cleaner. It charges so i can unplug it vacuum a bit and then plug it in again. None of this unplugging and going from room to room repeating the process. I don't know how i survived without one like this for so long. I can honestly say I love it. Jos was originally okay with it but has once again developed a fear for it. I thunk certain noises are just too much for her? She has sensitive little ears but we will get there.

Knives and forks
Monday, June 11, 2012
Muck mat for our messy creature
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mothers Day
I was treated to some lovely gifts and flowers then a picnic in the park for a late lunch - champagne and all :) Truly spoilt and blessed.
Saturday 12 May - super heroes
Our friend Agnes looked after Jos (well we put her to sleep then went out) so we could go to Brady's 30th birthday party - a superhero party. Hubby could not drive in his slighty tight outfit and going to the loo was apparently quite an affair LOL in an all in one suit that is tight. hehehe
Monday, May 14, 2012
Slap bet - Friday 11th May
Jacques ordered us these shirts on teefury. He has several shirts from there. They have a different t-shirt everyday and if you miss it, you miss out. Anyway, if you watch 'How I met your mother' you would appreciate the slap bet. And of course it was the first time I wore my shirt (hubby has the exact same so we need to make sure we dont wear them the same day..although he would probably make me change!!(He would claim he got dressed first!!!) Apart from the show HIMYM there are also a few people who I reckon could do with a good slap! So I wear this also to express my own slapping desires. I am not violent and won't go around slapping people but just the thought is a little liberating. That doesn't sound very Christian - but an example - Kim Kardashian is married for less than 100 days? Seriously? Angelina Jolie wants to put on weight for her wedding, um, what? I have more personal examples but save those for another time perhaps. Laters
These boots were made for walking... Wednesday 9 May
Jos and I went grocery shopping and daddy met us there. As we approached the end of our shopping session Jos spied these boots. I had to remove them from the shelf. She then promptly sat herself down in the middle of the aisle and stuck a foot out indicating that I must put it on. The boots still had the labels and those plastic goodies holding them together. Did this bother her? No! She took smaller steps and reminded me of the slaves one sees with their feet bound. She happily shuffled along to show daddy. Did we buy them..of course. They are a size too big but she has already enjoyed exploring the garden in them while I hung up the washing. This girl totally owns my heart!
Tuesday 8th May
Isn't this little guy just the cutest. Reuben Friend, almost 4 weeks old now. Only due last week but Reuben decided he wanted to make an early appearance and arrived on the day we had planned a farewell tea for his mummy (her last day was to be the next day) . I finally met him last week Tuesday and got to cuddle him. He is absolutely precious! Yes, it made me feel rather 'clucky' as I would like another little one to add to our little unit - but that is a whole different story and in the Lord's hands. Anyway Zoey is blessed with this gorgeous little boy and the sweetest little 3 year old girl, Mayana. Zoey is a work friend and a wonderful person to know. She is inspirational - a delightful person who the Lord shines through. I can see she is a great mum plus she is crafty, has a great blog and is great at her job and dealing with people.
Anyway looking at this new miracle I could not help but think how amazing the Lord is to knit a human being together in his/her mummy's womb. It amazes me that people can't see God's work in this. It truly is amazing and awesome! Thank you Lord for the honour of being a mum, for the blessing of kids and for the inspiration of Zoey who really does delight in her family.
Friday May 4th
Yipeeeeeeee. Our new bed arrived. King size, super comfy! So big that when I tried to elbow hubby when he was snring, even with my arm outstretched I could not reach him. Subsequently (due to this and the fact that the duvet/doona seems 'smaller' now - even though king size!) I now sleep closer to the middle and further from the edge than I used to. IT is lovely!!!!! And Jos kindly slept through the first night we had the new bed. Whoop whoop :) Anyway, almost 2 weeks of new 'bed-dom' and still loving it. Plus it means we have our old bed (which is still pretty comfy) as a spare bed.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Happy happy hubby -3rd May
Got hubby a cordless drill/screw driver for his birthday and the new counting crows cd. We had coffee and he opened his presents. Jos got him some nice pj pants, slippers and a mug with a lid coz he never gets to finish hot coffee as she loves dragging us around the house and playing :) Sadly I was stuck in a meeting from the start of first break all into second I had no chance to sit with hubby at school and enjoy some carrot cake or cupcakes with some of the other staff but he was able to share that out which was good. I skipped zumba so i could go home and make his surprise dinner. On arriving home I saw this rainbow, yay. Anyway I made seafood paella with prawns and all :) I picked out the prawns coz i dont really like them. Apart from that it was yummy yummy. Maybe next year I will try the mussel pasta he wants to try LOL
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Baking with Buttercup
Baking cupcakes for daddy's birthday. Jos enjoyed licking out the bowl, although preferred using a spoon than using her fingers anymore :)
Say cheese - Tuesday 1 May
I had to drive to Hervey Bay to the dentist all by myself. I have only driven there once before and that was when Joscelyn was about 7 months old to return the car seat capsule goodie. It was not as scary as that day, although going to the dentist is never fun! Anyway the drive wasnt too bad. The dentist was young and his dental assistance was a Sarah who held my hand for injections. Truth be told, besides all the tubes they put in, this is the first time in a long time that I did not feel my tooth getting pains. Even my nose was numb from the injection. Whoop whoop. I also took the opportunity to stop at Target before heading home :) Yay. The drive was not as scary as I remembered but not having a baby in the car definitely helps I think. I worry that people will drive like fools especially when she is in the car.
April 29th
Sadly no pic at the minute - waiting for it to come through from my phone to email. Maybe another time. We indulged in a pork roast with our same friends who visited on Wed. They popped past again on their way back to Brisbane after their camping trip. It was great to catch up with them again eat yummy roast and crackling and of course some yummy cupcakes Jacques made the previous day. Woohooo
Monday, May 7, 2012
28 April - shopping with the girls :)
The little girls stayed with their daddy's while the mommies went out the WHOLE day shopping. It was good to get out despite spending much of the day talking about our little ones :) Left at 7am and got home around 6pm. I was hoping to buy this piggy (the colourfull spotty one) but we didnt get back to it. Next time :) Ate a most delicious lunch - lamb shank :) and mash. Then I got home to a present from Jos of a gecko outside wall hanging goodie. Also a kind of bird feeder. Then there were red velvet cupcakes that they made and yummy chicken tikka masala. Hmmmmm.
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