Monday, May 14, 2012

Slap bet - Friday 11th May

Jacques ordered us these shirts on teefury. He has several shirts from there. They have a different t-shirt everyday and if you miss it, you miss out. Anyway, if you watch 'How I met your mother' you would appreciate the slap bet. And of course it was the first time I wore my shirt (hubby has the exact same so we need to make sure we dont wear them the same day..although he would probably make me change!!(He would claim he got dressed first!!!) Apart from the show HIMYM there are also a few people who I reckon could do with a good slap! So I wear this also to express my own slapping desires. I am not violent and won't go around slapping people but just the thought is a little liberating. That doesn't sound very Christian - but an example - Kim Kardashian is married for less than 100 days? Seriously? Angelina Jolie wants to put on weight for her wedding, um, what? I have more personal examples but save those for another time perhaps. Laters

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