Just added some pics from the last few days. Sorry I have been so slack!!
Well tomorrow is back to school and back to routine, perhaps. The holidays went too quickly, got far too little done and many sleepless nights due to a sick, teething toddler. Apart from that though, it has been fabulous spending time with hubby and Jos. She seems to be earning so much at the moment with her new favourite word being 'uh-oh'. Her favourite word is still daddy and they have had lots of fun palying all sorts of 'rough and tumble games'
Our trip to the Goldcoast went fairly well, the trip back was like murder - Jos cried most of the way home (about 3 hours!!) Being sick and teething are not a great for travelling. We enjoyed some time in the sun at the beach, ribs, time with friends, a visit with our old church on Easter and Joscelyn's first Easter egg hunt.
Anyway, I have made Josci's lunch, ironed a few things, watched the voice and now we are watching the start of the Logies...I reckon dreamland is calling. Look forward to your continued reading :)
I have been a slack reader too, love reading about all your news, being so far away, i miss out on so much, but a little update on your day makes me feel so much closer. I should try setting one up too i guess.